Road Food

goodlife guide

By Kim Kinrade

sex, drugs and rock and roll was the credo of the 1970’s musicians who thought the wave would go on forever. For jannie mack and the silver track their meteorological rise comes to an abrupt end on a warm june night in 1975 when jannie disappears after a record release party. twenty years later her daughter and a former band member lead a nation-wide crusade to find out what happened to her.

The story begins in august, 1975, in banff national park, where an incoherent danny tyrell witnesses the moonlit burial of a woman. the body belongs to jannie macDonald, the popular lead singer of jannie mack and the silver trak, who apparently has died of a drug overdose.

twenty years later danny is now living in iceland with an icelandic girlfriend and daughter. he hears from the old drummer of the silver trak, mike fedeyko, that a young woman claiming to be jannie mack’s daughter is searching for her mother and he wants danny to fly to halifax to speak with her. unhappy with his life in reykjavik working for his girlfriend’s father, danny, still holding a torch for the dead singer, meets with alice johnson, jannie’s daughter, in halifax. together they cross the country interviewing former band members and the manger to find out what happened on that dark night so many years ago.

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eBook formatting by Shelley Glasow Schadowsky.

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