Jeffrey’s Greatest Sarcastic Tweets

goodlife guide

By Jeffrey Weber

I was fortunate to get the chance to harvest my four years of tweets. Starting with over 41,000 tweets I whittled the total down to a little over 13,000. Then I started to put my tweets in categories and one that jumped off the page was sarcasm.

I realized I had written many great sarcastic tweets and that I had retweeted many classic sarcastic tweets. I felt the urgent desire (not being sarcastic!) to share the best of my sarcastic tweets with the world of book readers. I also threw in all the humorous tweets to give you a decent-sized book. Besides both sarcasm and humor make you laugh so they go together. Enough forward – on to the tweets!

Finally a book with many short sarcastic tweets. Whenever you have a little time you can open my book read a few tweets and put yourself in a good mood.

You can purchase the book online from Smashwords in multiple eBook formats at

eBook formatting by Shelley Glasow Schadowsky.
goodlife guide

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