Enemies of Their Own Blood

goodlife guide

by Robert E. Lee Hyde


LEADING HIS TROOP of Confederate Cavalry in a suicide charge to disable a batery of Yankee artillery that was firing round after round of deadly cannister-shot into the Confederate troops that strugggled up the slope … Sergeant Burton Allinder emptied his Spencer repeater into the nest of Bluecoats and ordered his men to wipe out the rest of the battery while he pulled out an old Starr pistol and used it to drive a spike into the touch-hole of the nearest cannon.

COLD AND WEARY, the wounded soldier urged his bay horse through the freak winter snowstorm, knowing he was heading home; home to the family he had not seen for two long years, not since his state of Arkansas had foolishly opted to secede from the Union — and he had been conscripted into the army.

You can purchase the book online from Smashwords in multiple eBook formats at http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/111749.

eBook formatting by Shelley Glasow Schadowsky.

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