Delaney Wears Braces

goodlife guide

By Jean M. Kraemer, MA, LPC

“Delaney Wears Braces” is a story to help children understand that individuals with disabilities have more in common with all children than differences. Children without disabilities will see how a young girl with cerebral palsy is able to enjoy the things that all little girls enjoy: princesses, fairies, bike riding and playing with friends. Children with disabilities will see how they are not limited in their ability to enjoy being kids. It is a story of diversity and inclusion.
Lynn C. Smitherman, MD
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
Wayne State University
Director, Pediatric Residency Program
Children’s Hospital of Michigan

“Delany Wears Braces” is an awesome true life story about celebrating our uniqueness. In my field of work I see children with all sorts of abilities. This story is a fun and loving way to show other children (and adults) that children in braces are just like you and me.
Christina Paniccia , PT, DPT
Doctor of Physical Therapy
Pediatric Supervisor – Neighborhood Club
Grosse Pointe, Michigan

As parents of a son who has worn braces since he was 18 months old, this book is perfect! Ben’s braces have enabled him to grow stronger and participate in all kinds of activities…just like any other child. If this book helps one child or adult to better understand what braces can do for a child, then it is truly a success!
Nancy and Dan VanLoon

Delaney’s acceptance of her braces should be an inspiration to all children, and adults, that are in a position where they have to wear braces. She shows us that a child can look beyond her braces and live joyfully as any other kid.
Eric Rzeppa, CPO
Certified Prosthetist/Orthotist
Pros Tech, Inc.
Troy, Michigan

“Delaney Wears Braces” is a wonderfully written book by Jean Kraemer. It demonstrates with simplicity and honesty how a child with a physical challenge can do many of the same things that other children do. The colorful photographs beautifully illustrate the enjoyment Delaney experiences while engaged in her daily activities. It’s a personal and touching story and one that I would have loved in my “classroom library” as so many of my students struggled with being “different”. The book validates children with challenges that they are not alone and it teaches others a greater tolerance and empathy towards children who are different from them.
Nancy M. Kevelin, MA
Retired Special Education Teacher

This is a wonderful story. I loved the live pictures. I loved how the author normalized the braces and made it such a small part of who Delaney is. I was crying as the author shared all the things Delaney loves to do—just like her friends who don’t wear braces. As a shoe-lover myself and as a doctor who has to negotiate brace wear with the teens I treat, I loved the sparkly shoes page! I’m grateful she made me part of this journey! This book will help lots of kids.
Susan Youngs, MD
Director, Oakwood Center for Exceptional Families
Dearborn, Michigan

Smiles erupt reading Delaney Wears Braces. It answers questions and celebrates differences by doing something ALL kids love: telling the truth!
Grace Serra Boldman
Mom of two special children, including one with special needs

You can purchase the book online from Smashwords and/or Amazon at

eBook formatting and cover design by Shelley Glasow at goodlife

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