Coloring Books
A unique series of coloring books, specifically curated for adults to enhance mindfulness.
Life is hard. This book was created as a minuscule tool to ignite our creative spirit and invite the sailor in you to scream, to write, to process, and ultimately to distract and transform negative thoughts to mindfulness. Accomplishing all this through the tip of your marker along broad strokes over the page. These illustrations, from an array of talented global artists are carefully curated from detailed to simple to pass minutes or days. Included are six-months of weekly journals. The journal pages are brief to acknowledge your thoughts and track your essential physical goals needed to recharge your body. So, whether you are struggling from an ailment, navigating divorce or a breakup, grief or any kind of transition–pick up your marker and distract your mind back to joy with us!
Each book in the series contains twenty-six double-sided journal pages and over thirty high quality illustrations for use with markers, colored pencils or watercolor markers.
We are all a little bit of love and light and a little “go-f*-yourself” and we should all embrace that beautiful balance.
All books are available through Amazon.
From Cuss ’til Calm: Bohéme

From Cuss ’til Calm: Celestial

From Cuss ’til Calm: Lotus

From Cuss ’til Calm: Pop

From Cuss ’til Calm: Oceana

From Cuss ’til Calm: Woods

From Cuss ’til Calm: Fémme