Elephant Milk
Set in 1969 and 1970, a young Hollywood film actress runs away and joins a circus in Mexico in search of the love of her life, a bad boy musician and injured soul, who has disappeared south of the border. During a total eclipse of the sun, riding on her favorite elephant, Sean realizes that the true love she is searching for is in actually in her own heart.
Seventeen year old Sean Hayes is driving Elvis’ lime green dune buggy down Sunset Blvd. It is 1969 and things are starting to get icky. A movie is soon to be released with Sean’s unexpectedly naked breasts in it and she has just watched her best girlfriend shoot heroin, while Keith Richards nodded on the couch. Sean parks on Coldwater Canyon and walks down the hill where she finds a pile of black clothes, wet with blood. The Tate murders?Meanwhile, the love of her life has disappeared south of the border and Sean has no idea exactly where he is. She leaves Beverly Hills determined to find him somewhere in Mexico, even if it means joining a traveling circus and getting lost in a world of drum rolls and lions and Mayan glyphs. Even it means having knives thrown at her for a living, and facing a loaded machine gun in the hands of her rival. Somehow, she will find Frank, even if means going deep into the jungle, just in time to view a total eclipse, on the back of her favorite elephant.
You can purchase the book online from Amazon or Smashwords in multiple eBook formats at http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/389835.
eBook formatting by Shelley Glasow Schadowsky.
goodlife guide