The Ultimate Breakthrough

goodlife guide

By Ken Unger

Imagine a Book that Heals. We all have pain to heal. None of us escapes adolescence without some serious emotional wounds, and they can quickly mount up from then on. Those unhealed wounds fuel most of our problems. Whether you struggle with compulsive eating, drinking, drugs, sex or work addiction, each is an effort to dull your personal pain.

Unhealed emotional pain is responsible for most of our suffering. It can lead to relational problems, divorce, conflict at work, depression, anxiety, and even more serious personal and psychological problems.

America’s Soul Doctor, Ken Unger, has given you all you need to uncover and heal the hidden hurts that hold you back. He wrote this book for those who can’t benefit directly from his personal healing work, retreats and seminars. It’s also a great tool for those who have experienced to share it with others. Step by step, he helps you discover the things that have affected you your entire life.

Go beyond Self-help to Self-Healing

Here’s Highest Power Healing for the pain that holds you back.

You’ll learn:

· Why it’s so hard to change your life and what you can do about it;
· How to uncover hidden pain that sabotages your well being;
· Why religion and psychology can’t make you whole;
· How unhealed pain keeps you from being your best;
· How unhealed pain undermines your success;
· What to do when your will power won’t work;
· How to form a healing group that really works;
· How a small group can help you heal;
· How to heal your damaged emotions;
· How to cure the soul, not just care for it;
· Who should be your Higher Power?

The only deity who promised to heal your personal pain.

Most importantly, you’ll learn how to heal your hidden pain and dramatically change your entire life.

“We all need healing. Here is your effortless exit to healing bliss.” – best-selling Chicken Soup for the Soul author Mark Victor Hansen

Ken Unger is a man that I deeply respect. Years ago, he came to our church and spoke to us about God’s power to bring wholeness and freedom to bruised and broken people. He also led us in a time of prayer and many people were deeply touched by the Lord through this awesome time of ministry. Ken is a gift and I am grateful for his immense contribution to God’s people. – Bob Buchan, Sr. pastor, Quest Community Church

As I work through with Ken’s amazing book, “The Ultimate Breakthrough” the philosophy is so biblical in foundation and it’s one of those new learnings that makes you go “duh!” if you’re looking for a really good re-calibration and re-centering of your life, I highly recommend it. – Kim Levings, VP, Outreach Incorporated

You can purchase the book online from Smashwords in multiple eBook formats at

eBook formatting by Shelley Glasow Schadowsky.
goodlife guide

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